Notice of Privacy

Privacy Notice

I. Identity and address of who will collect personal data.
 The company called Agencia de Sustentabilidad y Resiliencia, S.C. (“Living Companies”), domiciled on 21 de marzo 66, Cuajimalpa, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Zip Code 05000, Mexico City, Mexico, in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (the “Law“) is responsible for the processing of Personal Data (as said term is defined below) that Living Companies collects through the website: (the “Platform“), as well as in a physical and/or electronic, of certain natural or legal persons (the “Holders”) for the provision of Living Companies services and/or access and/or use of the Platform.

II. Personal data that will be collected and processed.
 To carry out the purposes described in section III. following this privacy notice, Living Companies may collect, among others, the following Personal Data of the Holders: (i) full name; (ii) domicile; (iii) date and place of birth; (iv) nationality; (v) Federal Taxpayer Registry or tax identification number; (vi) Unique Population Registry Code; (vii) economic activity and/or patrimonial information; (viii) email address; (ix) cell phone number and/or landline phone number; (x) financial information; and (xi) payment data, billing and/or banking information (together with what is established in subparagraphs (i) to (x) above, the “Personal Data”). In this sense, Living Companies may collect said Personal Data through: (i) email of the Holders; (ii) telephone communication with the Holders; (iii) face-to-face visits with the Holders; (iv) any other type of voluntary supply by the Holders; (v) public access sources; and/or (vi) other sources available on the market. 

III. Purposes for processing of Personal Data.
 Personal Data will be collected by Living Companies for the following purposes:
 III.1. Enter into contracts for the provision of services with the Holders.
III.2. Inform about changes in the contracts for the provision of services that have been entered into by the Holders with Living Companies.
 III.3. Comply with the obligations contracted with the Holders on the occasion of the execution of the service provision contracts of which Living Companies is a party to the Holders.
 III.4. Comply with the obligations contracted with the Holders on the occasion of the execution of the service provision contracts of which Living Companies is a party to the Holders.
III.5. Comply with any applicable legal provision.
 III.6. Store the Personal Data that is provided by the Holders to Living Companies. 
 III.7. Prepare the corresponding invoices for the services provided by Living Companies in favor of the Holders. III.8. Prepare physical and/or electronic files of the Holders’ files, as well as integrate and update said files.
III.9. Verify and confirm the identity of any Personal Data of the Holders or of the person who wishes to receive the provision of the services of Living Companies.
III.10. Verify payment data and carry out anti-fraud controls
III.11. Carry out and follow up on queries, investigations and/or reviews of the activities, operations, complaints and/or claims related to the provision of Living Companies services in favor of the Holders.
III.12. Carry out studies, records, statistics and analysis on the Holders.
III.13. Carry out studies and analyzes so that Living Companies provide personalized services in favor of each of the Holders.
 III.14. Make advertising and content according to the needs of Living Companies.
 The foregoing, in the understanding that Living Companies reserves, at all times, the right to modify the aforementioned purposes, in accordance with what is indicated for such purposes in section IX. of this privacy notice. In this sense, the treatment of the Personal Data of the Holders will be that which is necessary and appropriate in relation to the purposes previously indicated. 

IV. Personal Data Transfer
 Living Companies will not share the Personal Data of the Holders with third parties without their respective prior consent, unless: (i) the Law, any applicable legislation or, where appropriate, a court order so requires; (ii) the Personal Data must be shared with a supplier and/or contractor of Living Companies for the purposes of carrying out internal operations and fulfilling the purposes established in section III. immediately preceding; (iii) the Personal Data must be shared with national or international third parties for the purpose of carrying out internal operations and complying with the purposes established in section III. immediately above, on the understanding that the treatment that said third parties attribute to the Personal Data must, at all times, comply with those established in this privacy notice; (iv) is necessary for the protection of the rights of Living Companies or the Holders; and/or (iv) in the case of any transfer of Personal Data that is expressly provided for in the Law, its regulations, any other applicable legislation and/or any legal act entered into in writing between the corresponding Owner and Living Companies, including, without limitation, in terms of article 37 of the Law. 

 V. Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition.
 Each of the Holders will have the following rights (the “ARCO Rights”):
 V.1. Access.- Right consisting of being informed, by prior written request in terms of what is established in this notice, which of your Personal Data are contained in the Living Companies databases, the purposes for which said Data Data are used, their origin and the communications they have made with the Personal Data.
 V.2. Rectification.- Right consisting of correcting or, where appropriate, updating your Personal Data in the event that they are inaccurate or incomplete. The foregoing, on the understanding that each of the Holders must inform Living Companies in writing of the changes that must be made to their Personal Data when said changes take effect.
 V.3. Cancellation.- Right consisting of having your Personal Data removed, either totally or partially, from the Living Companies databases. Said request will give rise to a blocking period after which the deletion of the Personal Data of the Holders in question will proceed. The foregoing, in the understanding that there are certain cases in which the cancellation of Personal Data will not be possible in terms of article 26 of the Law and any other applicable legal provisions.
V.4. Opposition.- Right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of your Personal Data by Living Companies or, where appropriate, to limit its use or disclosure. The foregoing, on the understanding that in the event that the opposition to the processing of your Personal Data is based on the receipt of certain communications, in said communications that are sent to the Holders, the option to leave the mailing list and leave will be included. to receive them. To exercise any of the ARCO Rights, each of the Holders must submit a request via email to the following address: The foregoing, on the understanding that said request must contain: (i) the full name and address of the Holder in question; (ii) a copy of the document proving the identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder in question; (iii) the description of the Personal Data of which it is sought to exercise any or, where appropriate, all the ARCO Rights; (iv) any other element that facilitates the location of the Personal Data; (v) the mention of the ARCO Rights that are intended to be exercised; and (vi) a brief account of the reasons why the Holder in question intends to exercise any or, where appropriate, all ARCO Rights. By virtue of the foregoing, in the event that any of the Holders submits the request indicated in the immediately preceding paragraph, Living Companies, within a period of 10 (ten) business days following receipt of said request, must respond to the request via email.

 VI. Limitation on the Use and Disclosure of Personal Data.
 The Holder may limit the use and disclosure of their Personal Data, including without limitation, their refusal to receive communications and/or promotions by Living Companies, by registering in the Public Registry to Avoid Publicity, which is in charge of the Attorney General’s Office. Federal del Consumidor (the “PROFECO”), so that your Personal Data is not used to receive advertising and/or promotions of any kind. In this regard and for more information on the corresponding registration with PROFECO, the Holders may consult the PROFECO internet portal.

 VII. Security and Protection of Personal Data.
 In order to provide greater protection and confidentiality to the Personal Data of the Holders, Living Companies has adopted the necessary security measures to protect their Personal Data against damage, loss, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Living Companies cannot and, therefore, does not guarantee that there will be no unauthorized access to your Personal Data or, as the case may be, that communications will be free from any interruption, error or interception by unauthorized third parties, Therefore, Living Companies will not be responsible for the violations that may be generated to your Personal Data, for all legal purposes that may apply. In this sense, the access and treatment of the Personal Data held by Living Companies will be limited to the people who need to have access to said Personal Data in order to carry out the purposes established in section III. of this privacy notice.

 VIII. The use of cookies, web beacons or any other similar or analogous technology.
VIII.1. Sites to Collect Information.
 Living Companies uses the Platform, which requires the enabling of “cookies” in your internet browser. The foregoing, on the understanding that “cookies” will be understood as those text files that contain a string of characters that are sent to your computer or mobile device when you visit the Platform and that are placed on your computer or mobile device, to help to the Platform to analyze how the Holders use it.
 VIII.2. Information Collected Through Cookies and Similar Technologies.
 Living Companies and its service providers use “cookies”, “web beacons” and other technologies to receive and store certain types of information each time the Holders interact with the Platform through their computer or mobile device. When you access the Platform, the “cookie” allows it to recognize your browser. “Cookies” can store unique identifiers, preferences of the Holders and other in1formation. In this sense, the Holders can reset their browser to reject all “cookies”. However, some features or services of the Platform may not function properly without cookies being enabled. Living Companies uses “cookies” to improve the quality of our service, to store Cardholder preferences and track Cardholder trends. On the other hand, “web beacons” are images inserted in an internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of the Holders, store information on the IP address of the Holders, analyze the duration of the interaction time of the Holders on said website or email and analyze the type of browser used by the Holders. In this sense and derived from the foregoing, Living Companies uses “cookies” and “web beacons” to obtain the following personal information from the Holders: (i) type of browser and operating system of the Holders; (ii) the internet pages visited by the Holders; (iii) the links followed by the Holders; (iv) the IP address of the Holders; (v) the site that the Holders visited prior to accessing the Platform.
 I. Changes in this Privacy Notice.
This privacy notice may suffer, at any time, modifications, changes and/or updates derived from, among others: (i) new requirements and/or legal provisions; (ii) the own needs of Living Companies due to the services it offers to the Holders; and/or (iii) changes in the business model of Living Companies. In this sense, the Holders may consult any modifications made to this privacy notice through the Platform in the section called “Privacy Notice”. The foregoing, on the understanding that in the event that the Holders do not submit in writing via email to the following address: any type of opposition to the new privacy notice that is published on the Platform within the first 5 (five) calendar days following its publication, it will automatically be understood, for all applicable legal purposes, that the Holders have accepted and agree to the new terms and conditions contained in the new privacy notice.
II. Consentment
 Each of the Holders in this act accept, for all legal purposes, having read and understood the scope, as well as the terms and conditions, of this privacy notice, for which they grant the broadest consent that in right proceeds with respect to the processing of your Personal Data for the purposes of complying with the purposes established in section III. of this privacy notice, as well as comply with the Law, its regulations and any other applicable legislation. In case of any doubt and/or comment regarding this privacy notice, as well as the exercise of any other rights that correspond to the Holders in terms of the Law, its regulations and/or this privacy notice, depending on the case, the Holders must send an email indicating the doubt and/or comment in question to the following address: Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that any of the Holders considers that the processing of their Personal Data constitutes a violation of the provisions of the Law, they may go to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data ( the “INAI”) in order to file the corresponding complaint or complaint. In this sense and for more information, the Holders may access the INAI internet portal:
 III. Revoke Consentment. 
Each of the Holders may revoke the consent for the processing of their respective Personal Data and, for such purposes, the Holder in question must send a request via email to the following address:, accompanying the information and documentation indicated in section V. of this privacy notice. However, the Holders acknowledge and accept, for all applicable legal purposes, to be aware that, for certain purposes and in order for Living Companies to be able to comply with the obligations contracted in this privacy notice, the revocation of consent for the processing of your Personal Data could imply that Living Companies is not in a position to continue providing the corresponding service(s) or, as the case may be, the conclusion of your relationship with Living Companies.